Uniform Evaluation Services (ES) provides assurance for end users and building regulators that product complies with the single standard specification or the test results are valid. We ask the tough questions, and when we get satisfactory answers we provide an IAPMO Uniform ES Evaluation Listing that tells the manufacturer, and the reader, that someone with the right expertise asked the right questions and got the right answers.
Certain products used in construction are required by codes or specifications to meet standards or exhibit test results. Conformance to these requirements often involves data generated by the manufacturer and laboratories. Users of the products often rely on listings to summarize the pertinent information and gain assurance that the information has been independently verified.
Provided that the data is well organized, our staff has issued listings in as little as 40 days. Most are issued within three months. Everything depends on how quickly you can respond to our questions and requests for additional information. Our department goal is to respond to submittals in less than two weeks.
We support your product listing to code officials, including:
• Access by telephone and in writing to UES engineers to get your questions answered
• Listing posted on our new website
• Timely completion of your listing
• Economical cost providing great value
• ISO/IEC 17065 recognition from ANSI
• Conformance with Section 202 of the 2018 IBC